Sunday, 17 February 2008

Making books

We recently had a project on how to make artists books. I really enjoyed this project as it was something completely new to me and i wasn't aware that it came under the title of printed textiles. We began the project by looking at other artists books and how they were constructed. I especially like the consatine effect and considered it for my own book. We also loked at ways of printing and folding so that a book could be constructed together with just a piece of paper.

After getting the 'objet trouvet' brief i knew that i wanted to do something with photography. I have a camera which has a long shutter speed so i wanted to look at lights and colour because i wanted something bold. I also liked the idea of how a book should look, i didnt want to do anything too plain so i worked with the idea of having separate pages and then putting them together in a box which looked like a book. After i had done this i still had several photos left over so i went back to one of my earlier ideas and put the leftovers together in a consatine book. I mounted them on black paper so that it would stand out more. I finished it off with a hard cover and something which was relatively plain in comparison to the book itself.

Overall i was happy with this project and looked at sveral different artists to reinforce my ideas. These are listed below.

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